Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Black spandex dress

This was a very interesting dress to figure out how to pattern. Only one seam right down the middle. Shiny lycra spandex fabric.
Model myself in 1995.

Bird Costume

Bird costume for Freemont Solstice Parade.

India blouse to match sari

Made this blouse for my neighbor to match her sari. She wore it to a very special occasion..... her brother receiving a Nobel Prize.

Cherry Orchard

I was a costumer for U of W Theatre Department for 7 years. Too many costumes to post. So just a few.

Steam Punk Convention 2011

The theme at the Steam Con was 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. I made a victorian outfit adorned with a few sea specimens.

The Maids

Patterned and built the maids costumes for this Harold Pinter play.

Tanya's New Year's Eve Dress

Tanya designed this dress and I built it.