Friday, February 4, 2011

2009 Costume: Solstice Parade Flame Costume

For the Fremont Solstice Parade in 2009, I made costumes for a Brazilian dance troupe in Seattle.

In 2009, I made flame costumes for the Fremont Solstice Parade. They were requested and worn by a Brazilian dance troupe.

Design: Me
Model: Lisette, and dance troupe
Last picture is from Seattle Magazine.

Est. 1985 Costume: Hamlet

In about 1985 I worked on a costume for the play Hamlet, for the University of Washington Drama Department.
In the first picture I am working on Hamlet's sleeve.

Design: Staff designer
Photo Models: me and Helen, and unknown cast members
(first photograph taken by Helen)

Est. 1997 Clothing: 1st Flower Girl Dress

In about 1997 I made this flower girl dress for my daughter, for a friend's wedding.

Design: me
Model: Tanya

2001 Clothing: Flower Girl Dress

In 2001 I made a flower girl dress for my daughter. It was a replica of my friend's wedding gown so that they would match.

Design: Jennifer
Models: Jennifer (bride) and Tanya (flower girl)